Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I started the day earlier than usual, I had pancakes to make! I wish I would have taken pics of them because they were heart-shaped ❤ 

Devin loved the card,  & pancakes were beyond yummy.

I sent them all out the door with full bellies :)

For Valentines Day, I asked Devin for a heartfelt letter or a sweet poem. Preferably not in a text or an email. Cost of writing a letter, pennies at most!

So, I thought sometime in the evening I would see the finished masterpiece. I'm soooo glad I got it early. I was having a rough morning/ early afternoon. There were tears and some heartaches, and frankly - that shouldn't happen on a day dedicated to LOVE.

I was working on some photos when I heard the front door open. Prior to him coming in, I had settled down and gotten rid of the tears. In walks Dev, with these beautiful flowers...... and my poem.

I love you so very much babe.

Are we friends or are we not?
O yes we are, I've not forgot.
I tell you this and say it true,
I will always be here for you.

If I die before you do,
I'll go to heaven & wait for you.
I'll give the angels back their wings
and risk the loss of everything
Just to prove our friendship true..
Just to have a love like you.

You are the there though thick & thin.
You are MY TRUE soulmate.
I love & cherish you with all my heart.

Love, Devin

How adorable that? He walked throught that door today, when I needed him the most. He wiped away my tears, and warmed up my heart. 

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